Change Your Life Don't Die From Diabetes 

Hi, my name is Dennis Love. I’m a fitness coach and consultant with over 40 years of experience in diet and exercise program. I’ve help seniors around the world avoid diabetes, get in shape and lose weight.  

But first let me tell you why.  

A few years ago I was at Henry Mayo Hospital in Valencia, California with my mother and family. I got that emergency call in the middle of the night that everyone dreads “you got to get here now”. Got dressed jumped in the car and drove very fast 400 miles to the hospital.  

I found my mother lying on the bed and she did not look good. She was alert but, on a respirator, and it did not look good. She was back in again for the third time this month and her medical benefits were running on empty. The first thing I notice about her besides being on a respirator was that here feet were black. From the toes all the way up to her knees, they were all black. She was having a hard time breathing and even though she was not able to speak she was able to hear and was alert to this situation. She was in pain and trying to grasp air to breath. I stepped out of the room to talk to the doctor and asked what was going on and learned that they were not giving up. The head RN rolled her eyes, but the doctor said we can do this and give her this and that and it looks like we get her back on her feet in no time. Thank God for modern medicine, but what he said did not add up to what I saw in the room. He said we will do what we can do and walked away. Standing in front of me was the head RN, and I asked her what was going to happen what, can we do? She very politely and looking me straight in eyes and said “Your mom is not going to make it and it is going to happen soon. You need to make a decision, that’s why your sister called you. You need to make the decision when she lapses what do we do?” What? DO WHAT? And then it hit me, when she fails again, they can keep her going and going until Social Security Medicare runs out, then we would have to make the Decision. She said that she’s been the RN for quite some time and recommended that when the time came, very soon now, that we do nothing. Wow, what? I told her I could not make that decision and would have to ask my mother. Going back into her room mom looked worse than before. My brother and sister were crying in the corner.  

My daughter looked shocked and was in a strange state of numbness. I went up to mom and said, if you have another failure do you want us to put you on life support and keep going? She looked me in the eye and shook her head and tried to say no. Shortly after the nurse came in and I told her that mom did not want to be put on life support. Then the nursed said something that I will never forget; she said “we will make her comfortable.” Which I know now was the code word to use a large amount of morphine. In a few moments the morphine took its effect and mom’s heart stopped and for the next 10 minutes I watched as her body aguishly tried to keep going, but inevitable came and eventually moms heart slowed down and stopped and it was the end.  

I ’ve wondered why mom did not want to be put on life support, the doctor said “we can fix it”, but she said no. Today I know why. After the years of diabetes, shots of insulin, pain and suffering she had enough. She was consumed by diabetes and the hell of everything that went with it and had enough. She wanted to go. Death certificate said cause of death, complications due to diabetes.  

Fast forward a few years, I’m looking in the mirror and what I see is my mother looking back at me. I look like her, have the same build, and weight problem. My blood sugar is out of control and I’m being classified as pre-diabetic. My weight is out of control, I cannot walk up a flight of stairs, pain everywhere, sleep apnea and approaching 350 lbs. I knew where I was headed. Death due to complications due to diabetes. I did not want to go that way spending all my time at the Doctors. I knew that someday I would eventually die, we all do, but to live in pain and misery, with injections like my mother was a nightmare. I need to find a way so that I could stop and reverse the situation and not end up like mom. I wanted to see my grandchildren graduate was my motto. To see my granddaughter, walk down the aisle on her wedding day. I needed to fix this problem and figure it out and make a dramatic life changing experience, or else. The ultimate dream, the old saying goes, is to die with my boots on. I did not want to have to go to the doctor every week and have a boat load of pills in my bathroom and inject chemicals every day to keep me alive.  

I did not want someone to have to make the Decision for me. 

I had to figure it out and solve the problem.  

I did find the secrent and now I want to Help You. 

Get started and download the free Guide.


See What Others Are Saying

Joan Dahlberg

I have personally seen 100's of people eliminate type 2 diabetes. Simply by changing their eating habits and minimal excursing, I have been able to track these changes via clients doing their blood work. Great Job Dennis Love. Kelly S.

One of the greatest joys in my life is my grandchildren. Being able to be with them and walk with them is wonderful. Today I can walk/hike and almost keep up. Before I started the program, I could only watch and dream of being with them. Blood Sugar now 80 mg/dL Joan went from a size 16 to a Size 10 and bought a lot of new clothes.

Been Diabtic for the past 2 years, but since I cut Sugar from my diet my blood sugar test now average around 90 mg/dL. Sandy C.

Meet Dennis Love

Dennis Love LLC

Dennis Love

You know, recently I was not able to play with my grandchildren. Weighing in at close to 350 LBS just getting out of bed and walking was difficult, plus, I was diagnosed as prediabetic.  

But that changed.  

I found the secret to my problem. It was right in front of me, and now I change.  

And so can you. 

Let me show you how.  

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